Table DAT Format of new keyframe CHOP?

I wanna ensure that the upcoming DAT based keyframe CHOP fits in nicely in the setup I’m currently building. Could you please send me an example of the table DAT format used in the new keyframe CHOP? (just a saved out text file of the DAT holding the keyframes)

Also, can you say when the new keyframe CHOP/COMP will become available for beta use?

Finally, what happens if a keyframe’s value has an expression in it’s cell? Will it be evaluated and non editable via the Graph COMP?


We are currently working through some bugs to get it in a more usable state. We’d really like to get this into experimental builds in the next few weeks (no promises tho!)

The system will actually use 2 DAT tables, one is a channel list, the other is a keyframe list. I think expressions in the table may pose problems initially since editing that key in the Graph COMP will simply overwrite the expression with a number value. It’s something we haven’t tested yet, but an interesting proposition.

too bad it’s gonna take another few weeks. I’d even use in it’s current unstable state, as the old one is just not a pleasure to animate in.

Expression support would be really nice. Hope it makes it’s way into it.

Here’s another wish: Being able to (ALT-)drag a keyframe past it’s bordering keyframes, effectively reordering the keyframes (the columns in the referenced DAT).

Ben, could you please post the content (or a screenshot) of the 2 DATs?

Things are still in flux, so I’m going to hold off on posting images of the DATs. The reason we need a couple of weeks is that some interactions with the editor just don’t work at all, while the old Keyframer gets the job done (albeit in a clunky manner).