TCP/IP DAT : enforced delay between messages?

Hi all,
I am talking to a device via a TCP/IP DAT (as client) but I need to ensure that the messages I send are at least 30mSec apart so the poor server doesn’t choke.

What is the most elegant way to do this?

I would probably use a Timer CHOP, set it to 30msec, and start it whenever you send a message.
Whenever you want to send a new message you first check that the Timer CHOP 'done’ channel value is 1. If it is, just send the message. If it is not, add the message to some local buffer (for instance a FIFO DAT, Table DAT, or a Python Dict/List).
Every time the Timer CHOP is done, send the oldest message in your buffer. After that, if the buffer is not empty, restart Timer CHOP.


yes, that makes a lot of sense.

another person suggested just resampling things with a resample CHOP but there is a risk of losing data, in this case, and there are a lot of strings involved.