TD 2023.11880 (WIN) - Texture instancing with constantMAT seems to be broken

Hi there,

When using texture instancing in combination with a constantMAT, the indices of the slices seem to jump randomly per frame. When using the phongMAT there seems to be no problem.
See attached tox for the proof of concept.


InstanceTextureBug.tox (9.5 KB)

Hi @timgerritsen

Thanks for the report.

This is logged for a dev to look into it.


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Thanks for the report. You actually aren’t using texture instancing here, just a straight single 3D texture, so you can remove that parameter from the instancing to avoid it. I see where the issue is though (has to do with the p-offset into the 3d texture being left undefined). This actually isn’t well handled for instance textures for 3D textures, so I’ll work on that as well.

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