TD Ableton - abletonTrack - track names change

i have noticed if there is a change in Ableton and tracks are added or removed then abletonTrack component loses its reference to a selected track.
i imagine this is because the indices change and the component cannot find the track anymore. Is there a way around this?

If you give me a specific example to see what you’re talking about, I’ll take a look. Please send a video of the problem or specific instructions for reproducing it.

its a bit difficult to make a video cause i am using 2 different pcs one for Ableton and one for TD. Basically if you have some tracks in Ableton that are numbered automatically and you delete one the numbering changes in Ableton so in TD if i had abletonTrack selecting a specific track it wont be able to find it cause for example 1 track has changed to 2 track because i deleted or added a new track in Ableton.


if there was a way to select tracks based on some kind of id this could be avoided maybe. or use some kind of pattern matching like *track.
maybe i can find time in the next days to make a video explaining

I think I understand the problem. Yes, the auto-numbered tracks can confuse TDAbleton. Unfortunately Live has no reliable internal id for tracks or anything else. The answer is really just to name your tracks.

yeah that is for sure the most reliable solution! until then we are working with a wip ableton file that keeps on changing thats why i thought of ids

Unfortunately, it is a limitation of the Ableton Live API. Nothing we can do on our end.