I am trying to use my OAK-1 camera for hand tracking. I am working on Windows 11 and attempted to use the OAK examples provided in TD, located at: C:\Program Files\Derivative\TouchDesigner\Samples\OAK\OAKExamples.toe.
After disabling the “Use3D” button in the “handTracking” container and initializing the camera, everything appears to work fine. However, as soon as I place my hand in front of the camera, TouchDesigner freezes and crashes. I noticed that the “oakselect_joints” CHOP is receiving data right before TouchDesigner freezes.
The same crash also occurs when using the OAK-D S2 camera.
I am currently using TouchDesigner version 2023.12120.
could you roughly estimate how long this might take? We are currently working on a project that needs to be completed by the end of February, and we have already purchased the OAK hardware.
Apologies for the curious questions.
Thank you,
we are actively investigating but haven’t found a solution yet.
Can you see if you can generate a OAK crash report with this script:
import cv2
import depthai as dai
from json import dump
from os.path import exists
# Connect to device and start pipeline
with dai.Device() as device:
if device.hasCrashDump():
crashDump = device.getCrashDump()
commitHash = crashDump.depthaiCommitHash
deviceId = crashDump.deviceId
json = crashDump.serializeToJson()
i = -1
while True:
i += 1
destPath = "crashDump_" + str(i) + "_" + deviceId + "_" + commitHash + ".json"
if exists(destPath):
with open(destPath, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
dump(json, f, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4)
print("Crash dump found on your device!")
print(f"Saved to {destPath}")
print("Please report to developers!")
print("There was no crash dump found on your device!")
You can run it in a seperate TouchDesigner process right after the camera / TouchDesigner crashes.
I just tried to run the script in a separate TD file right after TD crashed. But got an error message that i could not connect to the Device. When running the script as soon as TD closes it prints “There was no crash dump found on your device!”
It looks like this is an issue with the depthai SDK, Luxonis has said they will come with a with a fix for their depthai SDK near end of Febuary that should address this problem. If you have a pro license with pro support hours, we can work on getting a separate build with a downgraded stable working SDK. If not you will probably need to wait until Luxonis releases their fix.
Hey, thanks for the message.
Unfortunately we only have a Touchdesigner Commercial license, so we have to wait until the end of February. We also ran the original deapth_ai_handtracking model and it works on Mac, but unfortunately not on Windows.