TD parameters (or something else) optimaztion issue

2023.12000 Win 10

Here is an example:
Two containers are identical, but left one is 3x times cpu slower.
Both contains cooking and non-cooking ops inside
For the cooking ops left one utilize parent parameters the right one - child comp parameters.

parametersV2.toe (1.3 MB)


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Taking a look

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In case it will help:

For the left container
If non cooking stuff has Cooking Flag off initialy - it does not affect performancce, then do:

  1. Turn on Cooking Flag - almost no affect
  2. Go inside that container and back - signficant impact to performance
  3. Turn off Cooking Flag - still signficant impact to performance

Here is video:

And toe:
parametersV3.toe (1.3 MB)

Hope it will help.


Ah, thanks. We are trying to figure out what’s going on here.

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Okay, word from the code mines is that you found something interesting but it can’t be fixed in official. Performance will be improved for this situation in the next experimental release. Thanks for report!

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I am sure you ve already noticed that annotate comps bring huge impact also, even in perform mode.

Here is an example, just in case.

parametersV4.toe (24.7 KB)

Thank you!
And Happy New Year!

Will look into this one too. There are always too many scenarios to test each of them, so feel free to keep sending in your tests

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