TDAbletonBeta in Ableton11 wishlist

Hey @Ivan, I’ve been digging into Ableton11 and the beta package, and I’m running into a couple of things I’d like to put on your radar.

One thing they’ve split out in 11 is per scene tempo and time signature settings that can be triggered on scene launch, and individually enabled/disabled. In previous versions time signatures weren’t triggerable from the scene, and tempo was spec’d by adding (***bpm) to the scene’s name. Since this is no longer an option, for some use cases(mine at the least) having access to enabling/disabling, getting and setting the local scene tempo is gonna be important. If this info could be added to abletonSong*/scenesTable, with a method to set the value, or at least enable/disable tempo set on scene launch, that would be amazing. Bonus would be a method for renaming scenes

I’m also really wishing for a way to update the global clip launch quantization menu. Perhaps this exists somewhere, but I didn’t find it in the documentation, forums, or digging through the components

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There are also per scene Follow Actions now… it may warrant its own abletonSceneCOMP for controlling that aspect

I’ll take a look at these for sure. Would like some explanation of this request:

Since this is no longer an option, for some use cases(mine at the least) having access to enabling/disabling, getting and setting the local scene tempo is gonna be important.

I couldn’t find and enabling/disabling the local scene tempo setting in Ableton. Send me a screen shot if I’m just missing it? I see where you get/set the tempo, just not seeing an enable/disable.

On further investigation it seems that there isn’t an enable/disable for tempo override, just an edited state that acts as ‘ON’, and a reset to default state. That’s kind of a drag… i don’t suppose those options are exposed anywhere editable under the hood.

Looks like for the follow actions as well they aren’t midi mappable, which isn’t a good sign… oh well.

How about global clip trigger quantization? That does seem like something that we could get access to, maybe in the abletonSong comp?

Yeah, did some digging and found that scene control only includes tempo. Not sure if that warrants a new TDAbleton Component type. I’ll look into a reasonable way to get access to that.

Follow actions don’t seem to be accessible.

Trigger Quantization is easy. I’ll add that to the new feature list and it will probably get in for 30k.

If you’re ever curious what we have access to, the first place to look is the Ableton Python API:
(thanks to @julien)


(thanks for the link and the thank!)

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wowowow. Super Impressive stuff, I wish I knew this existed years ago. Great work @julien!

It exists since the release of Max for Live (or almost, if I remember correctly. I removed previous versions’ source, though.

It was something I needed in 2010 with my mutha fucka protodeck:


mutha fucka indeed. killing the game