New to touchdesigner and Python and I’m a bit lost.
I’m trying to make a dynamic text scroller that shows the least showed items but struggling with the text COMP and Python.
So what I have now:
- a replicator that creates a container with a text comp in it, when the timer starts the text starts scrolling. When the end of this text is detected I made a CHOP Execute to start the next replicator copy (this works all fine)
- when the text appears out of frame another CHOP Execute is triggered to look if we have to change the text (looks for a the least showed item in the status tab that is enabled), but this doesn’t work (doesn’t want to update the text even though it updates and works fine when I create the replicants).
I’m searching for a while on this but can’t figure it out. So can someone please take a look and tell me what I’m doing wrong?
Textscroller.toe (15.5 KB)