I’m confused. I used to export the font number to a a text TOP (ie. Arial would be equal to something like 13 etc)
now that doesn’t seem to work anymore. the font drop down doesn’t even show me it’s being exported to.
so I figure I need to opparm font ( “Arial” ) - which works, except that that forces me to make all Text TOP clone immune if they’re inside my ui widgets.
can derivative explain how to set a font without turning on clone immune?
Question. Why is it only the font parameter that you can export menu values to?
I though DAT exporting was going to save me from having to convert “human” syntax (ie a user should in fact specify the value that’s on the menu as opposed to 0, 1 , 2) but maybe it works only for the font - is that an exception?
Ie. I can’t export “Orthographic” to a camera comp projection parameter. I have to export “1”
which means my current way of running a component that converts the menu to the menu value is still the way to go, but it’s certainly cumbersome? Any plan to allow dat to export menu entries to a field for ALL cases instead of just the font name?
You still need to use the ‘internal’ names of parameters when exporting, just like you need to use for opparm. So for Orthographic you should use ‘ortho’.
so basically I should stick with what I’m doing, which is using a component which, given a “menu” name and the path of the operator, runs oppardetails and exports the index it figures out (it could export the internal name as well). For a regular user there’s otherwise no way of knowing the internal names (without setting the option, and seeing what the name is), whereas the widgets we’re writing need to be used by non-programmers (and looking at the menu choices is the easier way to know which values to use).