Texture coordinate based on geometry shape

Hi there, I’m trying with no success to displace a radial ramp texture onto a circle SOP morphed with some noise. Back in max jitter i was able to calculate the tex coords array and get a result like in the attached images, but i don’t get how to achieve this in TD.
Also the render is ignoring the texture, that i can still see in the geo and i don’t get why.

Could somone give help on understanding how to calculate UV coords and, probably the main issue here, how and where to feed them. In the project i tried to evaluate them as i did in jitter, but then feeding em in the DATtoSOP gave no result.

Any help would be so much appreciated : )

uvMiss.1.toe (5.8 KB)

From looking at your file, the primary problem was that there weren’t any uvs at the center of the mesh to interpolate from on the outer to inner edge.
Can see this on the original circle:

The circle SOP has an option for Arc Type called “Sliced Arc” which is closer to what you want.

Still though, the uvs are not setup properly for what you need.
There are a couple ways you could achieve the uvs. One you could take a grid sop, and deform it radially using a twist SOP perhaps. In my test that I’ve attached, I used a line sop, a copy sop, followed by a skin sop to achieve the radial geometry (incase you wanted a hole in the middle, you’d need equal points inside as outside). then I used point SOP’s to feed in uvs from the second input to override the first input.

Hope this helps!
sop_circle_noise_deform.3.toe (6.7 KB)

Hey Lucas you’re test was suuuper useful! There are some objects and mechanics that I’m still ignoring, skin-group-poin flow is neat.
thank you!

P.S. I saw you’re site and I’m in love with your modded spiral lamp ; )

Awesome glad to help :slight_smile: Thanks! Yes that was a fun one to do several years ago now.