Texture "flicker" problem (texture3d)

In the attached simple toe file you can find arrow rotate
then been cached into texture3d node, then, sent to material
material used in geometry with “w” instancing attribute (lfo) control.

(give the texture3d few seconds to feed all frames)

why there is flickering ?

thanks !

movieout.1.mp4 (6.31 MB)
arrow_texture3d.2.toe (4.92 KB)

little solution with the help of Peter walker.
arrow texture bug and workaround.toe (5.03 KB)
arrow_texture3d.3_workaround.toe (4.94 KB)

the flickering happens as the texture wraps around in w as well. To prevent this change the Texture Sampling Parameters Extend W Parameter to Hold.


One more little recommendation on using the Texture 3D TOP.

For this kind of thing the Prefill parameter can be really useful.
Currently though the input to it needs to have the me.time.frame expression in some parameter for the prefill to work properly.
So to make it work for your example I added:


into the Rotate Parameter of the Over TOP.

You will see that the Texture 3D TOP is now not cooking anymore…

arrow_texture3d.toe (4.78 KB)

thank you !
will take a look on it!
worth snippets maybe ?
And what is this magic ?
why if I place expprsion inside top node, texture3d behave differently ? :nerd: :slight_smile:
also its even more weird that when I use level or transform top,I can reference chop channel to that parameter and its works…


hmmm sorry but where I can change the Texture Sampling Parameters
I`m not sure … :confused:

Yeah you can all lough at me now
but “>>” and “+” are not the same thing
never clicked the “>>” I thought always its for something else.

thanks again Markus.