Textures on loaded FBX

I load an FBX following an example by @nettoyeur ,
works great and I do the same with other FBXs, but now the question is, what about the texture, if I have a texture in a separate jpg file or similar, how do I apply it to the FBX? thank you :slight_smile:
instance_FBX_COMP.18v2.4.toe (6.2 KB)

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I could of course use a PBR mat and apply maps to it and apply it to a geo node,
but thats not the ideal thing, the texture will stretch and not adapt well etc, etc,
if they already give me a texture that fits perfectly onto that FBX, what is the right way to apply it to it?

instance_FBX_COMPs2.3.toe (6.7 KB)

I find that texture importing is wonky with FBXs. This is what I do:

  1. There is usually two comps in there, one with geos and mats, one with tops. Cut and paste the texture tops next to where the mats are in the other comp. you can delete the texture comp.
  2. Create a new PBR, and name it the same as the existing mat; delete the existing mat
  3. point the copied tops to the PBR (typically color map, normal map, etc

9/10 times this gets the imported textures to look proper for me with FBXs without having to reference external images, assuming the imported FBX contained the mats/textures

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@matijaerceg thank you very much, this seems confusing to me, do you have any .toe simple example with textures in a zip or something to understand it well? it sounds like a good workflow but not sure if I understand it well :slight_smile:

Let me know what step you get stuck on.

in the first step, two comps, I only have one comp, this confuses me

apart from that, do you know how to solve this one that Im also tracking

thank you :slight_smile:

are you able to share your fbx?

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@matijaerceg yes its an example that came from one of the gurus here, will share it here in a bit yeah

this is the base example created by one of the TD gurus, the FBX is included in the attached zip;
and what ive been trying to do unsuccessfully is to use the Texture Coord OP area in the second instancing tab of the geo node, to try to displace the texture in each of the instances; in this case making the text start at a different point, displace it randomly in each of the instances

but using that single fbx texture.

In the OP snippets there is an example that takes multiple textures and then uses the W parameter of that Texture Coord OP area in the second instancing tab to pick a different one each time, but what I need is to use 1 single instance, and just move it around a bit randomly in each instance, so I will need to use the U and V parameters I guess instead of the W, but I tried and the texture just goes crazy, if I connect ramp or noise data to those two U and V values in that tab, the texture goes crazy no matter what I do
instance_fbx_displace.zip (163.5 KB)