The content of the Metaramp Top disappears.

If I copy metaramp top and port it to another project, the operators in the container disappear when I reopen that project. I have to take the metaramp top out of the palette each time I open the project, but it is very tedious because I have to reapply the animation each time. Does anyone know a solution?

Hey @susususoon,

not sure I’m able to locate a component called “metaramp” - can you let me know where you find this or where it came from?


MetaRamp TOP - 2022-01-17 23:09

I’m guessing it’s this community component made by @KaeganCasey : MetaRamp TOP | Derivative

Sorry, I posted in my native language. It is correct in your post!

Just had a look, and the default settings of this component are not optimal for easy deployment in other projects, as on every start it tries to reload the toxfile from an unknown directory on disk (of the creator).
To remedy this, after you drag in the original toxfile, toggle these parameters to off:

Reload .tox on Start
Reload custom parameters
Reload built-in parameters

and empty the parameter:
External .tox

Now save this component as a tox in your palette and use this new version in your projects.

Apologies this was the 2nd component I had ever made and I didn’t test it out in other projects well enough. I was using the base save component by Matthew Ragan which enables these parameters by default.

I have just updated it based on your suggestions both on my github and on olib. Please let me know if you have any issues using it or any other feedback!

Thank you for the learning opportunity!


Thank you all, I followed nettoyeur’s advice and it cured the problem! Thank you so much! I would also like to thank KaeganCasey for this great product, thank you very much! I am impressed with the speed and quality of the replies on this touch designer forum.

Thanks to all of you, we were able to complete the work successfully. You can find my account on Instagram by looking up @susususoon. Please take a look if you like!