thicken line sop?

I’m using the co-ordinates of 2 circles to draw a line between them using the line sop. I’d like to thicken and eventually add effects to this line but I’m unable to transform it using the line thick sop. I’ve had some luck resampling it first but then the thicker line disappears and flickers. Should I be using a different sop filter for this?

update: I’ve uploaded lineflicker.tox to demonstrate the problem. Why does the line flicker at different points of its movement? It’s a riddle to me…
lineflicker.tox (1.51 KB)

@lockjaw, I think I stumbled on why the flicker is happening.

I believe it is related to the inside curve vs outside curve flipping back and forth. Why this happens, I have no idea. I modified your file to illustrate.
lineflicker_additionalTesting.toe (5.67 KB)

I wouldn’t recommend the Line Thick SOP for this approach, and using it wth a resample in front is causing the number of points in geometry to change and thus changing the topology, so the direction the faces are facing are jumping all over the place.

Instead of the Resample->Line Thick, try the WireFrame SOP or more simply and faster performance would be to control Wireframe Thinkness using the Material (look on a MATs Common page of parameters) Note that Wireframe Thickness at the MAT level only works on Windows, macOS users will need to resort to the Wireframe SOP.