This marvelous Compute Particle System does not work, I leave it to the experts

Derivative – 23 Nov 19

Compute Particle System v2.0

Hi there, I’ve made a new example how to build a particle system using a compute shader in TouchDesigner. This one is based on instancing and uses a heightmap for the particle to collide with. I tried to explain everything as much as possible using…

compute particle system v2.0 or 2.1 in asset section gives an error
Compute Shader Compile Results:
ERROR: /ComputeParticles/Particles/glslParticleSystem_compute:90: ‘texel offset’ : argument must be compile-time constant
ERROR: 1 compilation errors. No code generated

I wish I could fix it, but I too rubbish at GLSL, I did try.

Ok code makes no errors now, but still nothing to see, does not render anything

Hi there,

I’ve update the system to make it work with the version 2022.24200. Some of the functions in glsl are deprecated, so changed them to the still valid ones.


ComputeParticles-2.2.tox (29.6 KB)

ace thank you

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