Three sensors controlling three operators. How do I have (e.g.) sensor 1 turn on op 1 and turn the other two off?

I have three touch sensors controlling the playback speed of three movie file ins, so pressing sensor 1 turns on movie file in 1 slowly, and pressing it again turns it off slowly. I would use a switch for this, but i have three side-by-side displays in an exhibition and I don’t know how to make it so that pressing ‘play’ for movie_file_in_1 (sending a value of 1 t the op), also sends a value of 0 to the other two ops playing footage

The best way would be to use a chop execute Dat with a little python script as

on offToOn:
 op('movie1').par.speed = 1
 op('movie2').par.speed = 0
 op('movie3').par.speed = 0