Timer CHOP - offset on the fly?

Hi everyone,

I’m working with TimerCHOP to create countdown clock etc, At times, I may need to modify the time remaining on the fly, is there a native way of adjusting the Length of the TimerCHOP without having to start over again and reinitialize the Timer?

Otherwise I would use some sort of Chop EXEC Dat based on some offset “MathCHOP” on the current time, then update the Length while simultaneously re-initiating and starting the timer.

But I figure that there must be a more elegant manner of doing this natively in the TImerCHOP. Like the Delay parameter, but instead an “offset” parameter.

Looking forward to your insights on this.

I think timerCHOP.goTo function might help you. Can’t adjust end necessarily, but can jump forward

Also, recent builds have Defer Par Changes which you can turn off to make your pars like Length take effect immediately That may help.

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Thanks Greg/Ivan, I’m in an older build unfortunately. I’ll have to wait until I move the newer releases to actually deploy it, but I’ll take a look at it via non-commercial in the interim.

But yes Ivan, I’m looking at changing or offsetting the length/end on the fly, taking effect immediately.

Is there any simple way I can achieve this in a 2022 build?

It looks like the goTo function existed in 2022 builds. Did you try that?

Hi @Ivan , doesn’t goTo relates to Segments, Done and End of Cycle? I’m not using any segments in my scenario. Would this help me “remove” time from the initial length value? all while the timer has already commenced?

You can go to seconds… to a point later than the current time. Seems like that would be the same effect.

Hi Ivan, thanks I think I’ve got it working for the most part -
CountdownClockAdjustOnTheFly.toe (43.7 KB)

I think for now this will suffice. Thank you for the help!

@greg I look forward to jumping to the latest build indeed!