The whole segment section of the timerCHOP is still a little mysterie to me. It is very powerfull and I would like to integrate it into my cuelist system. But for that to go the easiest would be if it is possible to pause the timer at the end of a segment, waiting for a “Continue” command. I can do that per script, but it would be nice if tthis is already implemented for the segment table (something like ‘continue’ as a col)
One approach would be a single frame segment after the segment you want to wait at and cycle it until you break out…
That would destroy the cleanlines of it. SegmentEnter, SegmentExit and inTimerPulse will all fire at the same time, when the delay is set to 0, even when I set the play parameter to Off in the callbacks on SegmentExit. With a Delay that works fine.
The Workarround now is to set the CycleEndAlert to 1 Frame and pause the TimerCHOP 1 Frame before the actual Exit. This works, but could create some divergence on longer linked lists.
Changing the active parameter of the timer on segment exit actually prevents the next segment from being entered, but it is not possible to resume after stopping it.
For Derivative, also see my RFE part B) from this post: