Timer with two directions

Hello Community,
I am working with the TimerChop to control my animations in my project. For this I also use a table as a segment dat because I have a lot of animations I cue the timer with the keyboard letter “y”. What I would like to do now, is kind of toggle the timer. So if I press “y” the timer start to move up. If I press “y” again it starts to move backwards. It can first finish moving to the end, bevore i need it to move back. Any ieda how I could do that?

Hi @niknaim79,

at the end of the timer, could you start a second timer where the segments in the DAT have been reversed (Sort DAT)?


Look at OP Snippets for the Speed CHOP, example8. Change button type to Button down. That gives up/down value.

Send that to the Timer CHOP set Time Control to External CHOP Channel and on External page set to receive from CHOP.

Thanks Gerg, for your Idea. Quite a while ago my post, but I might need it now again!