When I export a still image from moving images, the images come out too blurry as follows. How can I adjust the resolution(dpi) of an image? Should I increase the resolution(dpi) value of overview?
I don’t think it’s just a matter of pixels in an image.
dpi is dots per inch and only applies to printing.
For images on screen, you only have resolution of the image (number of pixels in x and number of pixels in y).
As to why this image is blurry, hard to say without seeing your network - it could be one TOP in your chain is set to the wrong resolution,/aspect, or you are compositing a low res image and the compositing TOP uses that low resolution input as its output resolution. (See the “fixed layer” parameter for which input’s resolution is chosen as the output resolution).
But this is usually easy to fix - as you can look at each TOP before the Movie File Out TOP and see where in your chain the image gets blurry.