Hi everyone! I am posting this thread because I want to cooperate my TD with my Octatrack.
Due to there is no overbridge for OT, an external midi interface (SSL2+ in my case) is required to complete midi signal chain from DT to OT,or vice versa.
Below is my current set up:
Audio: Octatrack → SSL2+ → TD
Midi: TD → SSL2+ → Octatrack
But when I using my OT as a midi clock master, SSL2+ cannnot tell which channel I am in, so I cannot use my midi channel on OT to control TD through SSL2+.
When I using my TD as a midi master by turning on “Send start/stop/continue events”
within MidiOut CHOP, my OT do recieved a “stop” and “play” signal. But there is no clock sending out from TD, so my sequencer on OT only move 1 step forward.
Though I know I can use TDAbleton to send the clock using Ableton, but I want to keep my signal flow as simple as possible.
So my problem is: Is it possible to sending clock using MidiOut CHOP?
Or anyone has experience of conncecting TD & OT, please leave your words here! I will be appreciate to learn from you guys
MTC is an old and tricky protocol.
I made long time ago a translator for TD but I doesn’t find out now and it was not finished.
I recommand using LTC as it is more precise and can be sended from Ableton or TD.
You just need to have a track loaded with LTC file (you can produce it inside TD but there is some software able to do it as Horae), send the sound to TD and analyse it with LTC in Chop. From TD, you can use LTC out Chop.
There is also software to translate MTC to LTC and LTC to MTC, as Horae (Mac) or GumRoad (Win), unfortunately not free.
I made a quick MTC in Tox.
You connect a midi in chop receiving MTC and it gives you frameRate, frames, seconds, minutes and hours.
The problem with MTC (as LTC) is it works only when running, not scrubbing or changing position.
You need also to send another type of signal for not running TC.
Hope that helps.
MTCin.tox (1.5 KB)
And for sending MTC it is more difficultt, I try to made it now
Not good news, its not possible to send directly MTC from TD because there is no possibility to send “quarter frame” midi message. TD midi in chop is able to receive it (like in my MTCin.tox) but not to send it.
The only solution is to use LTC out Chop (that works) and to use a LTC to MTC software like horae. But be careful, thats not sufficient to really synch two software, because there is inerantly a drift with MTC due to the mode of transmission. It will be an error of +2 to -2 frames …, you have also to transmit midi commands (play, pause, rewind… and absolute position in case of scrubbing.
And to close the subject, you always need to have your sound as master because its easy to slightly change the speed of image but its very bad with sound : clock artifacts and tune drifts. So its better to sync TD to the sound app.
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