So I’d like to follow up on this as well. I have a th2goD. Spent the whole dya trying to get it to do my bidding yesterday. Iwas able to get win7 to recognize it, and make a huge 3 screen desktop.
But so far touch only recognizes the first ‘cell’ of 3. I’m really confused about Window Placement even without the th2go in the setup.
here’s some questions/assumptions:
from what I can gather the ‘Window Placement’ dialog is out-dated and isn’t being used anymore, or is in the process of ‘going away’.
From what I can gather the ‘Window’ op is the ‘new’ solution- to outputting to multi-screens and projectors. Does this mean that the f1/esc combo is dead? or should be dead? What should a default TD project look like these days ? Should it not contain f1/esc perform functionality?
i have removed my second video card becasue it wasnt a quadro. Im using one gts250. It has a vga out and a DVI out. I’ve tried all manner of configs to get 1 monitor where I can build my touch project, and 2 additional screens. Is this unreasonable as a goal ?
I’ve heard people describe their TD process and say 'oh no, you cant have perform outputs AND a touch editing window open at the same time- you either have to run ‘headless’ or you have to build an interface. Is this true? Is it problematic to have a screen dedicated to building my project and have 1 or more output screens up and running at the same time ?
What approach should I take to achieve this:
I need a 768x2048 output projected tall out of two 768x1024 projectors.
I’ve tried the triple head with the first two outputs to projs. but couldnt get touch to output beyond the first ‘cell’. I’ve tried using all three outs: one, my working interface and 2-3 my projs. Ive tried my 'working ’ monitor out of vga connector and my 2 proj outs out of 1-2 on triple head.
Here’s one thing(of several window placement issues) is really confusing: there are no less than three dialogs for screen res(not Derivatives fault, but …) : Windows 7 has screen res dialog. Nvida has screen res dialogs, and finally Matrox power desk has its set of screen res dialogs. I’m not convinced between those three that they all work together/see each other. Which one should I be setting my res in ? Should I uninstall everything matrox and try again ? Is it just maybe confused (Matrox).?
I took my original configuration apart, which was 2 unequal nvidia cards(9500 and gts250), because I’ve been told numerous times it ‘wont work reliably’ and that the triplehead is the way to go for multiple outputs. Now Im not sure . With my 2 unequal video cards what sort of issues should I be having? Because it seemed a lot simpler than this matrox layer of complexity added on top. As I understand it OpenGL/TD won’t like 2 different nvidia cards. How, though? will it default to the slower speed of the 9500? Will it tear? it might be a better solution for me ad this particular project to re-install my second card.
How can I avoid EVER seeing any dialogs from win7, TD, etc in my output screens ? if things aren’t working right and I need to reboot will my audience see DOS startup and win7 startup screens/icons? (even though Ive gone into BIOS ad reconfigured primary video card settings)
What is the current proven methodology for multiple screens ? Sorry for the cranky words but I am frustrated today and wish I could forget about yesterday entirely. I realize a lot of my rant is beyond Derivative’s control, but I must say I’m really missing the simplicity and stability of OSX’s approach to multiple monitors right now.
oh one more matrox note:
If Im trying to output 2 1024x768 windows does that mean my third (from the card’s second connector, not from the TH2go) has to be the same res also? Initially I thought I would have my card’s VGA going to my local monitor, and my DVI output to the triplehead. Is this viable?