Touch In/Out DATs

I’m wanting to prototype a text messaging application using two instances of Touch on the same computer and Touch In/Out DATs. In one instance I have a Touch Out DAT set to UDP, port 9500, shared connection and active both switched on. in the Touch In DAT in the other instance, all the same settings, same port. When I try this set up with a CHOP it works just fine, what am I doing wrong with the DAT?

Thanks all!

Hey there,

Make sure you are sending in a recommended protocol. UDT for instance has been abandoned. I tend to use TCP/IP for Touch in/out DATS.

Does the attached example work for you?

TouchINOUT.tox (446 Bytes)

That doesn’t work either. I remember this working when I first tried it almost a year ago. Once the contents of the TouchOut DAT were updated, they updated in the corresponding TouchIn. Am I missing a step here? It seems odd that the CHOPs work just fine.

Have you tried another port? Try something in the 60000s

6000s, 8000s, 9000s

Are you able to share a .toe file you’ve setup where it works with the CHOPs but doesn’t with the DATs (using different ports)?

Two I/O networks for CHOPs and DATs, one on port 9000, the other on port 6000. the CHOPs are on UDP, DATs on TCP/IP, but UDP doesn’t work either.

Funny, though, when I copied and pasted the DAT network, a couple times it would paste with the info transmitted, but I couldn’t get that to repeat.
TouchInOut1.toe (3.84 KB)

In this example you are re-using ports for different protocols though. Can you try using a different port for each Touch In/Out connection?

FYI, this example works on my machine though, so just trying to narrow things down.

Okay, so if I change the name of the TouchIn DAT it updates… my guess is that when I change the name that causes it to cook, so normally it’s not updating because it’s not cooking?? so I guess the question here is why is it not cooking when data is passed on that port?

I could write a quick script to force cook it every time the TouchOut DAT cooks, but that would be a band aid.

Well, it should cook when it’s input changes too.

the TouchOut is cooking just fine, it’s the TouchIn that isn’t. Could this have to do with a setting outside of Touch?

Ah ok. I see. I was able to reproduce the issue this time when I opened the file. I think it has to do with how the nodes are cooking and when a connection is established. Somewhat random

Yeah same thing if I force cook it, it will update, but it should just cook when it receives data, right? any ideas on why it’s not?

Ya, something is wrong for sure. For my sanity, did you try without re-using the ports on multiple different connection types?

Also, the timeline is playing forward, correct?

CHOPs are out of the equation, timeline playing forward.

Hmm, turns out I wasn’t able to reproduce.

Is this on macOS or Windows? If it’s on Windows can you send me your preference file, located here:

May have some other things to try next week. Sorry you are having this issue.

It’s Windows. Here’s the preferences file.

Thanks for the help, man, though I’m probably going to table this soon.
pref.txt (145 Bytes)

I’m having the same exact issue as Corbin. Timelines are playing in both Touch instances, tried various ports, TCP/IP and UDP, firewall off; the Touch In DAT still shows as empty. The Touch Out DAT appears populated and both show no connection errors.

Attached my pref.txt. Running Windows 64-bit 2018.26450.
pref.txt (87 Bytes)

Confirmed that touch in/out dats are working when I revert to build 25000.