Touch to Sky-Skan's Digital Sky 2 System for live dome video

I’m starting to research live-video for a full-dome here in Boston at the Museum Of Science. A small group of us at have been meeting with them to explore how this may be done.

The system they have is by Sky Skan.

They have a single console that controls eight other computers that send video slices to two Sony 4K projectors.

Of of their visualizers has mentioned looking into vvvv.
I’m wondering if Touch can also be considered.

Sky Skan software is called Digital Sky 2. The SDK extension uses C++ or .NET programming on Windows. Rendering extensions require C++ and DirectX 9c. There are current XML plug-in’s already in use. Custom DSX HLSL Shaders 3.0 can be written.

How would Touch even begin to be considered here for live dome video?
Any help is greatly appreciated.

Would you please post an update on your project? I am also interested in using Touchdesigner for live dome projection and would be interested in what decisions and workflow your group went with.

Hi Jaram,

Are you interested in sky-scan dome projection? I’d like to keep this thread specific to this system.

Sky-scan will play full-dome “masters” that are stitched camera renders to make one giant round movie. That is one feature, the other is Sky-scan has it’s own 3D environment that is populated with the universe. So you can move freely around planet to planet.

We are trying to figure out a way to integrate into their software without screwing it up; they need to have their system operating every day for daily shows. It would be great to have some crowd interactivity.

J. Walt was in town last fall and plugged into their system for a special performance. We’d love to be able to do something like that on a smaller scale.
Check him out:

You could use the C++ TOP and C++ CHOP to create operators with access to their SDK. … ry:C%2B%2B

These operators are only available in Commercial and Pro.

Hola. Estoy buscando información sobre el render y la presentación en vivo para un domo de 4K.
Me tope con este hilo y quiero contarles que durante 4 años trabaje con el Digital Sky 2 en el Planetario de Medellín, Colombia. Nunca fue posible correr shows en vivo en este sistema. La principal razón es que el sistema de Sky Skan no tiene ningún protocolo que permita hacer render en vivo. Almenos no el que teniamos en el planetario.

Fue solo hasta el año pasado que se cambio el sistema por Sky Explorer de RSA Cosmos que pudimos hacerlo, y por eso estoy buscando cual es la manera mas optima de presentar el contenido en vivo. Hasta ahora lo he hecho con el cajor COMP Window. Pero quisiera saber si esa es la mejor forma de hacerlo.

La manera en la que lo hago es configurando la ventana con una salida de 4096X4096 y compartiendo en la opción de ventana separada. A través de un protocolo DNI conecto el portátil al master del domo con cable HDMI y este funciona como segunda pantalla. El único problema es que el portátil debe ser suficientemente potente para renderizar en vivo, especialmente sistemas de partículas.

¿Si de pronto tienen mas información sobre esto podrían compartirla? les estaré agradecido.