I have a video clip and I am just adding some simple blob tracking to it.
I setup my network and everything was working fine.
When I went to export with a movie file out, TD kept freezing and I would have to force quit.
Even after removing the movie file out op, it keeps freezing.
I’m now stuck on this, not able to really work on it or export it. It was totally fine before I tried to export.
Went back to an old file version and added movie file out node and same thing happening. Removed that op, still same issue.
How do I track why TD is crashing? (Not sure if this should be in Bugs or elsewhere)
If your machine comes with a proprietary power management software (From Asus, Dell / Alienware… etc), make sure that it’s setup properly to run TouchDesigner on the Nvidia / AMD DEDICATED GPU when plugged to power. Otherwise, it’s likely that TouchDesigner would run on the integrated graphics, hence it is important to also make sure your integrated graphics are up to date.
NVIDIA studio driver reinstalled from the website - Driver Details | NVIDIA (the new NVIDIA app can be buggy)
Ran Bulk Crap Uninstaller - great tool! I uninstalled some stuff I no longer need, but theres a ton of stuff I dont know about and I don’t know how to identify apps that are reported as “crap.” Do you know if there is a way?
Then I rebooted and launched my project in TD 2023.11880 and about 60 seconds into just playing the project and moving around the network, TD froze and didnt recover.
So I downloaded WinDbg and trying to get a file from that. I am not sure if I’m doing it correctly.
This .dmp indicates a crash is occurring in a Convert SOP. The overall hang is occurring later on when trying to save the CrashAutoSave.toe, but hanging trying to save some state for your VST.
Can you try removing the Convert SOP from the system (or changing it’s parameters) to avoid the crash?
I do not need the convert SOP right now, as the blob tracker can only track 2 points anyway. once i have a license and tracking more, i would like the convert SOP in there.
anyway to use the convert SOP without this happening? i have no idea if or why the settings would be problematic.
doings some testing without the convert sop and will report back
@malcolm removing or disabling the convert SOP certainly seems to help! no crashes and I have exported multiple videos so far. amazing, thank you.
now just need to figure out how to get it to work with the convert SOP and solve this other issue (Why is my Blob Track threshold uneditable?)…and then I think I will buy a license.