TouchDesigner crashes when trying to start TouchDesigner from a batch file in the task scheduler


I have created a windows batch file to run automatically with administrator privileges at startup in the task scheduler.
I would like to run the touch designer from that batch file.

In the batch file, I tried to start touchdesigner with the following code

start "C:\Program Files\Derivative\TouchDesigner.2022.33910\bin\TouchDesigner.exe" "D:\FullPath\filename.toe"

The task configuration is as follows
Script: C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe
Add arguments: /S /C "D:\batchFullPath.bat"
The account that executes the task is SYSTEM, and the Run with highest privileges checkbox is checked.

In the task scheduler, when I right click on a task and run it, the process does not work and a dump file is created.
I checked the dump file in visual studio and it says 0xC0000005 exception.

How can I make it work?
Batch files work when run from the command line or by double-clicking (with administrator privileges).

My environment is Windows10.
The version of touchdesigner is TouchDesigner.2022.33910.

Hey @nya0429,

can you send the dump file to please?


I sent it.

The crash is showing that it’s occurring because no monitors are detected at startup. I think by running it as SYSTEM with admin, you are essentially running it under a different account that isn’t connected to the desktop. You’ll need to run it under a more normal account I think

I did not fully understand how the windows task scheduler works.
I will activate touchdesigner in a different way.
Thank you for the help.