Touchdesigner does'nt save preferences

Hello Community,

this one drives me mental for a while now and I hope you have an idea how to fix it.

Everytime I save changes to the preferences and then reopen the software I have to make these changes again. TD is’nt saving even I hit “save” after making my changes.

e/g changing the start file mode to “costum file” for a blank project or changing the default Text Editor.

I have to change it everytime I start TD (currently 37030)

Thanks in advantage.

I’ve had to automate the setting of certain preferences every time an application starts, the process is a bit wonky and could certainly do with a pass at making it easier, but here’s how it works more or less.

When you click save in the preferences, it does in fact save the preferences, just not where you might expect. Try entering this into a table dat, and then pulse “Load on Start”:

What you’ll get is the state of your current preferences, as it was when it was last saved.
You don’t see all the preferences because it only saves preference states that are not default.

This makes it a bit annoying to find out what every parameter in the preferences is called, but you can manually go through, change some setting, click save, then reload this table dat, and you’ll see those parameters show up / disappear, change etc.

The trick to getting consistent settings on start of your toe, is to have a table dat, like the one pictured above in your network, configured with the settings you want the toe to have.

You then have to save that table dat to disk:

Then lastly, you need to tell TD to load those new preferences from disk.
Because preferences are always saved and loaded from a singular file you cannot change, and is not saved in the toe, it must be done in this round about way.

I’m not sure why it doesn’t save in the toe, I think the idea is it’s global preferences, but as you have experienced, this can sometimes get tripped up.

More on the preferences class here

Hey lucasm,

thanks a lot. My humble goal was just to set a blank project with a costum text editor for every new project - done!

Interesting part of getting it fixed - and it still keeps me thinking something is wrong - was this:
even when I change settings in the preferences and hit “save” the changes didnt show up in the pref.text file. So when I pulse “Load on Start” the dat table was empty again. I ended up alternating the pref.txt file.

But isnt it odd that TD doenst even wirte the changes in the pref.txt even when I hit safe?

Best regards,


It is weird! you’re probably correct in assuming there’s another issue at play. Might be worth posting to the bugs section.

Deleting pref.txt - uninstall and reinstall the newest official build solved the problem.

But your reply was value anyways. Thanks for that!


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