TouchEngine For UE 5.3 - Problem with component parameters using Niagara

Hi there,

I just wanted to check if what I’m experiencing with parameters is expected behavior / limitation / bug.

This can be tested using the ‘UESample_Niagara_01’ example in the samples project.

For me at least, changing any parameters in the TouchEngine section of the UI causes the Niagara system to break/reset. Running the Niagara debugger, if for example I click the ‘Help’ parameter once the particle banana is active, the number of Emitters goes from 1 to 0 and all particles disappear. I can bring it back by reactivating the ‘NS Touch Engine Niagara’ actor component and setting the rendering to be enabled again (or reloading the tox works too as it calls the same set of nodes in the example ‘On Tox Loaded’) but this seems like it might be quite expensive if parameters are being changed frequently :

Is this expected with a Niagara system component being fed from a TE component? Or should parameter changes not affect the system like this?



Hi @PixelsInProgress
How time critical is this for you? Our dev covering UE plugin support is on holiday for a week but should be able to answer early next week.

Oh it’s not particularly, this is just R&D so no rush.

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Hey @PixelsInProgress

My feeling is that the parameter update from the details panel triggers the constructor / destructor to hit, which the niagara particle system gets affected by.

I have to check if it’s something I can fix in the blueprint sample or if that’s just an engine limitation.

When you update parameters from the blueprint themselves using Get/Set nodes, you shouldn’t encounter this issue.


Hi @JetXS

Great, thanks for letting me know. I’ll see if I can work around by going into the blueprint directly.

