TouchEngine in Unreal 5.1

Has anyone managed to get TouchEngine working in Unreal 5.1 without entering PIE mode?

I’ve installed latest UE 5.1 project samples from here

And the plugin and directions from here

And enabled ‘Allow playing in editor’

Shouldn’t this be sufficient or is it always necessary to be in PIE mode for TouchEngine to work?

Also am expereincing lots of crashing in UE when trying to run TouchEngine.

Hey @art3mis

Currently, the TouchEngine plugin cannot run outside of PIE mode.

This is on the list of things to be worked on in the coming months though.

Also am expereincing lots of crashing in UE when trying to run TouchEngine.

Vulkan implementation is not finished and barely tested.

Note that any branches outside of the branches named “Release” are to use at your own risk.

Development branches that should be used for experimentation and testing should be the UE5.x-Dev branches.

For production, you should stick to UE5.x-Release branches for now.

Any other branch is not tested or just barely.


Thanks. Will need to wait for further development as only working in PIE mode is a showstopper for our current needs (virtual production).