Translate, Rotate whole bulletsoverComp

I doing my first experiments with the bullet solver. Now I have multiple boxes in a bulletsolverComp and want them to rotate or translate alltogether continuously (as if they would one object). If I use the the xform- translate/rotate parameters I a have to reinitialize to see the change of the settings and of cause there is no continous movement. Does anybody know how I can solve this task?

Hi @niknaim79,

you can parent a Null COMP to the input of the Bullet Solver COMP and control transformation of the whole system there.


Thanks, Markus, for the hint. That works! But in the meantime I went over to the FlexSolver. Here there is no such a behaviour. Is there something else I need to take in consideration?

Hi @niknaim79,

sorry - i might not fully understand.


Sprry, I mean, the nullComp doesn’t effect my flexsolvercomp. With the bullet solver it works.

Hi @niknaim79,

can you share your file?



The strange think is, generally it works, but if I render the felxsolverComp the rotation is gone. Am I missing something?

Hi @niknaim79,

ah - i didn’t go as far as rendering. Having a look !


Hi @niknaim79,

I was totally off here. The simulation grabs the position when it initializes and then sticks with it. So the best way to go at it is animating the camera.
The updating viewers are a bug which is logged now.


Hello Markus,
so, when I get you right, the solution you gave me before (animating the com woth the nullComp) is actually a bug and will not work together with the render?

Hi @niknaim79,

that’s correct unfortunately. It should not be animating in the viewer. This is logged and will be looked at.
