So, I think I know what’s going on after reading through the transparency wiki, but I’m hoping I’m wrong.
Basically I have 2 geometry comps, both contain 2 instances of a plane. I’ve sorted the Z coordinate so that it’s rendering the instances in the order of furthest to nearest, as openGL transparency expects.
Both geometries look correct when viewed head on, properly composited. however if I rotate the camera so that some of the instances from geo B are over top of some of the instances of geo A, I get weird transparency clipping.
My understanding is that all of one geometries instances are rendered in one draw call, then all of the other geometries instances are rendered in a second draw call. which would explain the transparency issue.
I’d assume this means there’s nothing I can do about it though. Is this correct? Or is there a way to render transparent instances between multiple geometry comps successfully?
This is with out order independent transparency enabled by the way.
If I turn on order independent transparency, it looks better, but still has some of these overlap issues between A and B: