Transparency very weird issues! Non-Commmercial 2023-11600

I would like to put in evidence a very weird issue about transparency I’ve found on version 2023.11600 not commercial.
I don’t know if this issue is also in other version but I think it’s the first time §i face it after almost 10 years using TD.
Please take a look at the patch attached.
Inside project1/container1 you will see two boxes one inside the other. Transparency is (almost) ok because you can see the boc in blue both outside and inside the purple one.
Inside project1/container2 you see that the blue box part inside the purple one is not visible. The only difference is that the GEOs are now inside two containers (all comps have been copied and pasted form container2, so they are absolutely the same).
It could seem that transparency is not working on referenced GEOs inside containers.
But the wirdest thing is that this behaviour is not constant; if I close and reopen the patch transparency sometimes works on a container and sometimes not, even if I copy and paste a container I get different results each time.

Please take a look at this video:

consider I always close and open the same patch without save.

1st load: (not working at all!)
container1 is NOT WORKING
container2 is NOT WORKING

2nd load: (container1 working, all others, evenn copies, not working)
container1 is WORKING
container2 is NOT WORKING
container1 is still WORKING
container3 (copy and paste of container1) is NOT WORKING
container4 (copy and paste of container1) is NOT WORKING
container1 is still WORKING

3nd load: (container1 and his copies are working, container2 and copies are not)
container2 is NOT WORKING
container1 is WORKING
container3 (copy and paste of container2) is NOT WORKING
container1 is still WORKING
container4 (copy and paste of container1) is WORKING

4th load: (container1 working, container2 not working)
container1 is WORKING
container2 is NOT WORKING

3nd load: (container1 and contanier2 are not working, container3 and container4, that are copies, are working)
container2 is NOT WORKING
container1 is NOT WORKING
container3 (copy and paste of container2) is WORKING
container4 (copy and paste of container1) is WORKING

I just tried the patch on:
I7 and GT640
I5 and GTX1030
I7 and GTX1070
with same results.

Thank you for your attention.

test.6.toe (5.3 KB)

Hi there,

It’s because of the ‘draw priority’ in the geometryCOMP. Both are set to 0 (by default) but if you set the front layer to a higher number (so it gets rendered after), it should work all the time.
I guess it gets picked randomly when those values are the same. Perhaps because of some random memory or parallelization on the GPU.


Thank you Tim,
I just tried, now the issue is that if the GEOs are moveing into space and they exchange position related to the camera the draw priority changes and it doesn’t work.
i hope I don’t have to calculate the layers by myself at each movement to set the right draw priority!
Please take a look at this video:

At firts the moving GEO has priority draw 2 and the fixed one 0 si I have right transparency only wheb GEO1 is under GEO2.
Changing the GEO1 priority draw to 3, I get right transparency only when GEO2 is over GEO1.

Any news for this issue?

There’s a few things at play here, one is that the order of rendering of objects in the same Draw Priority is seemingly non-deterministic between otherwise identical networks, so you have different effects when instancing the same data several times. The other is that ordering transparent objects for rendering is a non-trivial process and, as far as I can tell, there’s no universal solution that will guarantee perfect results every time. However, the TD renderer does implement Order Independent Transparency with Depth Peeling that will do an OK job in a variety of scenarios, enable it in your renderer:

Thank you!
I’m using TD since 10 years, not very often for 3D, but I never faced such problems until now :frowning:

This is a niche scenario IMO. I’ve also run into Draw Order surprises recently, dunno if the implementation was modified this year.