Trigger VST effect using python notes

Hello community!

I am trying to trigger a particular vst3 using python notes. The triggers come from a dat that is sent to a count CHOP and triggers the vst automatically whenever a certain threshold is reached. The setup works really well with other vst plugins that I’ve tried. However with this particular vst plugin I cannot get the effect to trigger automatically. After reaching out to support from the company that sold the vst license they explained to me that the plugin is an effect and not an instrument and cannot be triggered with midi notes.

I wanted to ask if anyone knows a workaround? I really like this vst3 and want to use it, but I don’t want to have to manually open the GUI and tap on the effect.

Let me know if I can be more clear. I’ve attached screenshot and uploaded my file. Any help would be appreciated. :slight_smile:



datasonification.3.toe (100.5 KB)

One last thing, I want to also record in TouchDesigner the mix of sounds coming from the two inputs, the audiofileIn and the audiovst. I tried using the audio file out and it only takes the sounds from the audiofileIn because I think the wav. format only supports 2 channels. I then tried the join chop to merge the channels together but that rendered a sloppy mess ^^ would anyone know how to record what’s being played in TD?

Thanks! :smiley:

Unfortunately, if the plugin doesn’t support it then you’re probably out of luck. Generally only VST3 instruments will support MIDI input. Whether or not the plugin is an instrument can be determined from the row entry in the Audio VST CHOP’s Info DAT.

As for combining two audio CHOPs: a simplistic approach would be to use the Math CHOP and select Add for the Combine CHOPs parameter.

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