Trompe L'Oeil

I’m trying to add the Trompe L’Oeil effect to a design I have two surfaces working perfectly! I cannot figure out what is wrong with the others. Having problems :blush: getting the right mapping for Trash1, Trash2, and Lad. Also, as that I am new, any notes on how to tidy up my design process would be greatly appreciated. :nerd:
TrumpLoy.toe (14.4 KB)

Also, I would like to use kantan mapper to get the projection right. Ideas on transfering the surfaces to kantan mapped surfaces textures?

OK, I got Lad to work and the others are messing up because(I think) I just took them( deleted every suface of a box) out. Solved it, deleted all trash ops and copy pasted the wall grid and resized, renamed, and relocated. Works perfect. now, to project it…
OH crap, The render resolutions were not square!

And then I forgot to save! :smiling_imp:

Fixed! Ideas for actual projecting, I’m experimenting small scale in my room with a optima pk320. Also, I probably need housekeeping design tips, only 60fps when all displays are off, 37 when WINDOW activates 2nd window.
TrumpLoy1.3.toe (12.5 KB)

Nice, you’ll get a massive speed boost if you replace all but one of those renders with Render Pass Tops.
TrumpLoy1.12.toe (12.8 KB)

thanks for the advice

thanksgiving update