TubeSOP pointing at null COMP

Hello everybody,

For a light-oriented project, I would like a tube SOP inside a GEO COMP (and itteration using TOP) to point at a null COMP or any other tracked point.
The idea is to make different light beam visualised in a 3D space to track a similar point in the same space, and get the rotation parameters accordingly (to use it for automated light).

I’ve tried different techniques with “Look at” but I think I don’t get it…

Any help would be welcome, where to start and where to go ? :slight_smile:


@Ascidiacea take a look at this example to see if it will help you get started.

look-at-mechanics.toe (6.0 KB)

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Hello Matthew,
Always thanks for your help :slight_smile:
My actual issue is when it comes to instancing. The “look at” function doesn’t work when you have multiple instances.
You can see my problem in the following project : Instance_look-at-mechanics.1.toe (6.4 KB)

Hey @Ascidiacea - sadly, the look at style approach won’t work across instances automatically. You can, however, still accomplish this same need by using the object CHOP:

Object CHOP Web Write up

You can find a web-write up here:

Object CHOP on the Forum

There’s also a thread on the forum about the same technique here:

Instancing Techniques

If you’d like to see a few different techniques for working with instances to accomplish this, there’s a tool for that here:

Ohhhh ! Amazing :slight_smile: Thanks,
Let me take a look at this, and I’ll come back to you if I have more question :slight_smile: