TUIK BasePanel not recalling settings

I’ve created an control panel interface that has several View panels within it. (With the new experimental build). In the Base panel I’ve deleted the file menu node and moved the top_bar node to the top of the 800 by 1024 panel. I have align turned off because I’m placing my viewer panels it particular positions. When I reload the project, it does not recall the position of I set the top-bar and is at the bottom of the control panel also the file menu is back which I also had deleted. I did notice somewhere that the basepanel is a clone or clone immune (i’m not sure exactly how cloning works and will try and find the info in the wiki now) I am wondering if this is a bug or should I do something different.



Hi Keith,

one thing first, we are in the process of making TUIK much more user friendly and with the next release building a ui will be a bit different from before.

But to your question. The filemenu keeps showing up because the component BasePanel is a clone. So to permanently remove it you would have to either remove the clone string from the BasePanels parameters (it’s on the common page) or set the the Immune Flag to “Network Immune” by clicking on it twice.

Please let me know if you have any other questions


thanks Markus I read about cloning last night and have now implemented in my project. As far as the TUIK goes is it going to change much from the new experimental build? A this moment I have a basepanel as the parent of several viewerpanels by connecting them on their top and bottom inputs. Is this the proper way to us the new TUIK?



Hi Keith,

this is perfect and with the new TUIK nothing will break. We just flattened the whole structure a bit more and by that for example moved the titlebar out of base_panel.

The Instructions on how to properly build a panel will be updated with the new TUIK being released.
