TUIK's drop down lis bug?

I’ve been trying to understand why the drop down list doesn’t align with the field containing the choice, but always comes shifted to the right and apparently smaller (since it should be the same size as the field above but it’s not).

The formulas in it seem to make sense, and yet…

does anyone have any clue?


I’ve looked at droplist and dropdownbtn and both are lined up for me. Are you using long strings in the input list? Have you resized the TUIK gadget? Do you have a screengrab or example case?


yeah I’ve noticed that in some cases (I think when I don’t resize the parent or such) they line up. By now I’ve moved on, re-writing that widget.

Unfortunately if I get a reply weeks after I post a question (I’m sure you’re busy, I’m just stating a fact) it is likely I’m working on something else and have gotten around the issue, and are unable time-wise to go back and test old bugs that I’ve gotten past.

But I’ll see what I find if I get around to that widget again.
