'U' key navigation crash (repeatable)

I believe I have isolated what seemed like a random crash while navigating.

If you use the ‘U’ key to navigate up your network (say to level2) and, in your level2 view, you start with your mouse over a text DAT in active mode, then you press ‘U’ again (to go further up the network) with the mouse still over the text DAT, TD crashes.

The attached dumps are from my testing this crash.
TouchDesignerCrash088.x64.5840.14.dmp (157 KB)
TouchDesignerCrash088.x64.5840.15.dmp (168 KB)

Was testing to see if this problem exists in the new version. It seems to be somewhat changed but still exists. If you go in the uploaded autosave.toe, hover the mouse over the text DAT and press ‘U’ (as if you were trying to navigate up a level) you will see it crash.

Possible clue: It doesn’t seem to happen on text DATs without scroll bars.
TouchDesignerCrash088.x64.6360.2.dmp (143 KB)
CrashAutoSave.toe (4.59 KB)

same here.