I’m aware of the TOP → CHOP method of turning (rows,columns,entire image) pixels in an image to a channel of r,g,b values. My question is, how do I turn a random selection of pixels into a channel of colors?
My goal is that I want to sample ~250 random points in an image every 10 seconds (maybe using a timer chop to trigger the change in values), and drive a certain geometry that have initial coordinates at those points, that maintain the 250 original colors for those 10 seconds.
The Topto CHOP takes uv coordinates as an input so it comes down to creating random values for that input. To get random pixels and non-repeating one on top, create a Pattern CHOP for each u and v with the Length being that of your horizontal and vertical texture resolution. Now append to both CHOPs a Sort CHOP and set it’s Sample Sort Method to “Random”. Use a Trim CHOP after to trim out the first 250 samples, finally merge the 2 branches and use as input to your Topto CHOP. For every new iteration, change the Seed parameter on the Sort CHOPs.