UDP Out...

Hi, I’m a relative beginner to touch and even more of a beginner with things like UDP.
I am trying to connect touchdesigner to grasshopper, a scripting plugin for rhinoceros 3d. I have managed to send data from grasshopper to touch using the UDP In node. However, I can’t figure out how to use the UPD Out node to send data back to grasshopper. There is no spot to connect anything to the UDP out so I assume that I am missing something. I searched the forums and there were some references to using a execute DAT to run a script to send the data, but its all a little over my head. I’m just looking for a little explanation on how the UDP out works. Thanks!

You need to use the ‘send’ command to send messages through the UDP Out DAT. To get started you can use the textport and try sending a few commands out that way. Then once you have the hang of that you can use the various Execute DATs to send commands depending on events that occuring in your file

I’m trying to send strings out to a remote machine. I’ve tried some of the send command examples from the wiki (via text port and dats) but always get ‘syntax error’.I think maybe I need Python equivalent syntax ?

python >>> send -p text1 udpout1
File “”, line 1
send -p text1 udpout1
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
python >>>
python >>>

ah, maybe this has something to do with it :


The send command like that is for tscript. You want to use the send() method on the particular UDP DAT you have


thanks, I figured it out eventually. I think that one example of Python code speaks volumes to me about learning the structure and such of scripting. I’m going to strt another thread in documentation or ‘difficult things to learn’ with some suggestions from a layman’s perspective.