ui scrolling technique?

Hello, I have a window containing a lot of movies. For now I have a slider that controls scrolling of this list. But I want to be able to use mouse scrolling. If I connect panel to container there is a channel called wheel which doesn’t seem to change no matter what.

There is also a mouse in chop, but it has an infinite range of values from mouse scrolling so it is almost impossible to use in my case. I was trying to use limit chop but it doesn’t get rid of the problem because the values of mouse in chop itself should be placed in some kind of boundaries.

Is there a workaround? Preferably without python because I think it won’t be super effective.

If you send the mousein wheel channel to a delay chop with a delay and max delay set at 1 sample, then use a math chop to subtract the delayed wheel chop from the raw wheel chop, you get a +pulse on scroll up, and -pulse on scroll down. Does that help?

it’s a interesting technique but anyway you gonna need some tricky chop sequence after it I think. Because in the end you should get 0 to 1 range and I’m trying to avoid any chop executes.

The wheel panel value value changes are instantaneous, so it doesn’t show up in a Panel CHOP, but you can use it with a Panel Execute DAT.

derivative.ca/wiki088/index. … anel_Value