please may I ask what are the main differences between classic installation and the one with use of /Extract flag?
I guess the lack of some registry entries, start menu item, desktop shortcut are obvious differences.
But I am not sure what functionality may I lose when not having these registry entries? Will TD work as expected even if I don’t have these registry entries (assuming that I would manage paths and starting of TD on my own)?
Based on this I guess I should be ok even when using this kind of installation, but I wanted to ask just to be sure I am not missing something.
I would like to use this option to extract installations into a shared folder on network - so that all servers can access correct TD installation without physically installing TD on them. Please is there something I should be aware of - like if there are some TD dependencies that aren’t extracted this way and need to be manually installed?
there should be no consequences to doing this. The only thing of importance the installer is doing would be making sure that certain Windows updates, redistributables, and runtimes are installed on the machine in question. You might have to endure longer loadtimes though.
If I understand this correctly, if there wasn’t any TD previously installed on given server, there would likely by an issue with something like missing Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable, is that correct? I haven’t tried this on a computer with no prior TD installation, so I am just guessing at the moment.
If this would be the case, please is there some place where I can always take a look to see which Windows updates, redistributables and runtimes are required by given build (so that I can install them manually on servers)?
Please may I also ask if you think that TD might have to load some stuff on runtime? Or one can assume that it won’t be loading additional files from from installation folder after start (in case I wouldn’t be using something like toxes from pallete, sample files, operator snippets, etc.)? Thank you very much.
Great, thank you once again for info.
Seeing this, it makes me think whether there might be also some flag, that would instruct installer to just check (or install) these redistributables and runtimes for given build and not do anything else? I have gone through docs and haven’t found such thing so I guess it isn’t supported, but I wanted to check if I am not missing something.
Thinking now further about loadtimes, I guess the best possible setup (if one has enough time to do it right) would be to use caching on server side (using something like Rez).
There are a number of dll libraries that are not loaded until they are actually used in touch if that’s what you’re asking. These are usually third party libraries like the Kinect that aren’t loaded until a Kinect node is activated in a project.