Unity screen in TD

Im investigating the possibility of feeding Unity in to TD. Theres 2 options Im looking at right now. The first uses 2 PC’s, one serving Unity, the other receiving via capture card and VideoIn TOP. The second scenario utilises only 1 PC, here Unity would be served to TD via SPOUT. I havent even downloaded Spout yet but it does looks promising.
Anyone played with this yet?

Can you send the image to a direct x shared texture, then grab the handle and use the DirectX In TOP? I believe Unity has integration with Directx. I imagine it would be a faster pipe than bringing it in via Spout currently coming through the windows wdm as a camera.

Thanks Elburz, I’ll let you know how we get on


I’m curious, what does SPOUT stands for?

Edit : found it spout.zeal.co/ hiding on the third page of google results. Just saw it was referenced on another forum post also :blush:

Hey y’all, did anyone have any luck using Spout to send video from Unity to TouchDesigner?

Works great with Spout. You having issues?

Unity to TD via Spout generally works well however we have had issues with gamma. Spouts still 32 bit I believe.