Here’s another one for you to look at. First thing is that I’m getting just black and white or pure white in the render TOPs, though things look fine when viewing objects or at SOP level. Tried replacing render TOPs, a few shaders, can’t seem to make it work. The included .jpg is how it renders in 257.
Also, when I display any render TOPs the frame rate drops a lot, down to 8-9 fps. Runs at 30+ in 257.
Anything I should do to update it for 901 or wait for the speed improvements ?
I think the main issue with this is that the material SOP seems to be broken (Achim just reported this a few days ago also).
At any rate, I would really suggest you move away from using the Material SOP. The SOP ends up copying the entire geometry, which can take a long time (depending on the geometry), to just apply the material.
Instead, just assign materials using the parameter in the Geo COMP, this is totally free.
That’ll speed it up some and also fix the black rendering I hope (let me know if it doesn’t). It won’t be back up to 250 speed yet.
I’ll look at fixing the Material SOP soon, keep these coming.
Yep, that fixed the rendering issue, here’s an updated .toe. Definitely a nice speed boost without the material SOPS. Seems to me there’s no reason to spend time on the material SOP unless there are plans to improve it so that it will allow downstream operations such as copy - right now anything further OPs cause the material assignment to be lost. Looks like assigning using the geo COMP is identical workflow.
I could not reproduce Achim’s crash, but when entering into /brain_balls while playing all the foreground objects dissapear.
Per the other bug I posted, there is a big slowdown/rough running when using midi inputs. You can see this by running an ap I use for note recognition,, grab the WIDI Recognition System 3.3 Standard, I think it is a 30 day fully funtional trial. Pretty straightforward to set up, I send the notes over MidiOX channel 2, just click on the microphone icon and check “recognize”. Let me know if you have any questions.