Update imported obj or fbx

Hey everyone,

I’m wondering if it’s possible to have an imported .obj or .fbx file contantly update (i.e. if i am constantly exporting it from another program, and overwriting the original, I would want to see the updated geometry in touch).

Is this possible?


You could probably create a script that ran every so often that forced the filein sop to cook - reloading the file.

Thanks for the reply.

That was my thought too but at the moment I can only create these constantly updating exported files in OBJ or FBX format. The SOP File component only takes .tog, .geo, .bgeo, etc.

My understanding is that when the files is imported (via drag and drop for example) the files is automatically converted and stored.

Do you think it would be possible to script the inporting of a, OBJ or FBX?


That is a good point, and an annoying one…Touch does convert everything to .tog and puts it in its own import folder by default.
Probably a feature request…

Yeah importing could be set up better. It would be nice to just be able to load and save .fbx and .obj’s.

For the import question- check out the geoimport command. Not sure about the python equivalent.

If you happen to be using Houdini you can save out geometry in the old geo format, using ‘.hclassic’ as the extension. A FileIn SOP in Touch will read it without the conversion.