I have created some work following tutorials and implementing skills I’ve learned along the way, however I don’t know how to upscale or composite the output for a large resolution.
I wanted to create some work that will be displayed into am 8064x1176 screen. I’ve tried changing the resolution from the start of the project in whatever constant it is being used however that doesn’t end up looking good as it either stretches everything, or if I only upscale a background top then the artwork shows up small in only a part of the screen. How can I do this to fill up the entire screen or have multiples of the same geometry copied into one screen?
It might be helpful to see some screenshots of what you are trying to do or an example file that illustrates the issue.
Are you fully familiar with the “Fixed Layer” and “Pre-Fit Overlay” parameters of compositing TOPs’ Transform Page? Have a look at the documentation here:
and the examples for the Over TOP in the OP Snippets
Helpful as well can be our learn.derivative.ca resource with a short video introduction to compositing:
Depending on what hardware you are running, you might also be able to take advantage of the Nvidia Upscaler TOP in the latest experimental release of TouchDesigner.
Thank you so much for that. So basically I have a few different files I’ve created, some are with sops and tops and some are with particleGPU.
I have followed a few tutorials online on how to create the work.
I should have mentioned that I only want to record the videos from TD and output them into a 8064x1176 screen…it’s a Cave like LED setup so no live rendereding.
I have a attached one of the files I’d like to scale up to fill a 8064x1176 screen.
I have tried using multiple geo’s in the same render as I like that look better but it seems to drop the frame rate quite a bit and idk how to get around that. If I make the render top the size I want, the same thing happens and also it makes the artwork look huge.
setting the Render TOP’s resolution in your example file to 8064x1176 has my computer run at ~53 fps on a RTX 3080Ti. As this is a bit a larger resolution and you changed the Pixel Format of the Render TOP to 32 bit - so depending on your hardware, a performance decrease can be expected.
Using multiple particleGPUs also would have a such a effect on your performance.
What kind of hardware are you running on?
I’m thinking with huge you mean that you only see a fraction of the vertical of the posted image? This is due to the wide aspect ratio. Your particle source is currently defined as a square to have it cover the output resolution, you would have to make it the same aspect ratio. Currently in the pointtransform TOP you have it scaled by 4 in all directions, reducing the scale in y to 0.6 will shrink it to fit the whole render.