URGENT: geo/cam changes after each restart


sorry to post this with an URGENT tag but we are in the middle of a production and only have 3 days left to complete our project and time is runnig out … we are banging our heads on the wall each morning and need a solution for this … we can’t think of anything that triggers this.

Here’s our workflow:

we are projection mapping a room and have a precise mesh of the walls and ceilings
although we don’t have exact lens specs we managed to get extremely close with the virtual camera in touch so the mesh sits almost perfectly on the room geometry, for the couple of edges and vertices that don’t sit exactly on the room mesh (it’s an old building so the walls/angles/distances are not completely regular) we are moving the vertices and edges around in the geometry editor so that it fits
after adjusting the couple of vertices/edges the mesh (we put a wireframe on it to check this) everything looks and works sweet

now the problem:

we save and shutdown at night and came back this morning and opened up the patch again and the mesh had moved, or been scaled, so all the work from yesterday was for nothing … when we put a transform on it we can see that with a scale of 0.94 it comes close to being tight again, but not as tight as it was yesterday …

we had this problem two days ago already but thought we maybe had made a mistake or moved something around by accident … but this morning it’s exactly the same problem … we can see that the edges have again moved almost exactly the same amount than when this happened two days ago

we are completely lost here, what could cause this ? when we saved/shutdown yesterday everything was perfect, why would the patch be different after opening it up again ???

readjusting the mesh everytime is not an option … it’s not only very time consuming in touch, but we are also using rendered footage from C4D and Maya that we project full screen, and we really don’t have the time to re-export the mesh everytime and redo the setup in c4d and maya and re-render everything, so this is a huge problem … the renders from tonight are useless now, no amount of tweaking or scaling will make it fit as good as it was yesterday.

please help ! :cry:

Sounds completely weird, I’m currently working on a mapping project with moving points and have had no issues.

You may have already tried this but as a quick workaround might be to try locking all the nodes in question or exporting out the geometry/camera then reimporting on open…might work?


hi Richard, thanks for chiming in …

we tried the re-import but unfortunately the problem persists and we cannot get back to yesterdays setup. We exported the pefect mesh after adjusting the vertices/edges yesterday which we then used to setup the rendering in maya/c4d … so normally when we re-import this mesh it should be all good … but it isn’t :frowning:

since we modeled the mesh the node was already locked and even bypassing all the upstream nodes doesn’t solve it … it’s super weird, we can’t figure out where this comes from.

attached a little video to show the change between the meshes …

IMG_0479.MOV (252 KB)

it’s simulated, this is switching between yesterdays ‘perfect’ re-imported mesh and the one we re-adjusted today ( we did another vertex/edge move session since we need this to sit tight, so at least the real-time touch stuff sits tight … unfortunately the rendered footage doesn’t anymore ) … with a scale factor of 0.94 on the footage we can get close but it’s really not a solution since it will be off somewhere in any case.