Use multiple AudiodeviceIn

Hello !
Big noobs here ! Sure it is a very simple problem, but can’t find the solution :
I have a container_1 with an AudiodeviceIn active, I use audio data to extrude a 3d object.
My problem is that I want to use audio analyse in another container_2 in my composition, but when I put an AudiodeviceIn chop, it don’t get any sound, I think because the mic is already used by the same chop in container_1.
How can I use an audiodeviceIn CHOP in multiple container, or use the data from one container to another ? If someone has any tips for that it would be very helpful :wink:
Thanks !

Select CHOP. Put the path of the other Audio Device In in the CHOP field of the Select CHOP.
NewProject.toe (3.72 KB)

So simple :smiley:
Thanks !

Out of curiosity, whats the device in your case?
And are you using Direct Sound or ASIO driver?

I am just usind Direct Sound for the moment, will try ASIO but I’m going step by step :smiley:

Im surprised the DirectSound doesn’t let you create two input instances, (its more forgiving than ASIO for shared resources).

I’ll investigate further.
