Use touchportal to place CHOPs and TOPs in Touchdesigner

Hello everyone !

I was wondering if there is a way to easily place any CHOPs or TOPs (like an audio file in) by pressing a button on touchportal ?
Heard that Websocket and OSC DATs can do thet, but I have no idea on how to do that

Thanks in advance !


I just wattched this tutorial, and used a Streamdeck to give it a try :

Worked like a charm

The thing is I have no idea what code to put to create a node in the project ! :frowning:

Hi @Recma,

not sure how familiar you are with Python Scripting in TouchDesigner, but a first step might be to check our curriculum at:

If all of this is clear, a new operator can be created via the COMP Class’ .create method:

On any component, you can say:

n = op('/project1')
w = n.create(boxSOP, 'box12')

w now will hold a reference to your new operator inside “/project1”

Hope this helps