User interface troubles

Hi there!

So I made this interface for live mapping
(pictures on top are just all the standard touchdesigner pictures if somebody’s wondering).

The idea is that I’ll be controlling this with my laptop. My laptop has a touchscreen so that makes it easy. Now the problem is that if one of the bottom knobs is on max, I cant swipe it down to zero because I’m on the edge of my screen before it hits zero. Is there a way to adjust the ways these buttons work?
For example that I’d have to swipe right or left to get them to a lower level and swipe them up to get them to a higher level?
I’m pretty sure there is but I have zero knowledge of python or on how to implement it in my system.

Thanks a lot in advance!
Greets, Lucas

You can increase the Sensitivity parameter on the Knob page of your knob widgets. That should decrease the distance needed on your finger drag to change the value faster. Looks like something around 15-20 makes it so you don’t have to leave the panel to get a full 0-100% sweep of the value.


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Thanks a lot!! that’ll help

A slightly different approach would be to do your touch interface with TouchOSC on an ipad to control TD with oscIn CHOP or midiIn CHOP. I did that last spring for a show and it worked well. It is free, too. Download ProtoKol too for testing. Hope this helps.

See Setting up a small instalation - #3 by Rayj
touchOSC on ipad control